Wood crafts are a form of art and skill that has existed since ancient times. They are usually present in home decorations, toys, accessories, souvenirs, and garden furniture. Wood has various advantages, such as strength, durability, and beauty.
The ability and expertise of wood craftsmen transform wood into various beautiful and useful products. Wood crafts produce beautiful products and add value and high quality to everyday life.
History of Wood Crafts
Wood crafts have existed since ancient times. In prehistoric times, wood was used to make tools and weapons, while in ancient times, wood was used to make household furniture, ships, and buildings.
Wood crafts in Indonesia have existed since the ancient era. The skills of wood craftsmen in Indonesia are very famous and recognized throughout the world. Woodcraft products from Indonesia have high artistic value, in terms of shape, detail, and quality.
Wood Craft Making Techniques and Process
The process of making wood crafts begins with selecting quality wood materials. The wood selected must have a good texture, not easily cracked, and be strong. After that, the wood is cut and polished according to the desired design.
Wood carving is a technique of processing wood by carving it using a carving tool. This technique is often used to make statues, wall hangings, and wooden frames. Wood craftsmen must have special skills and precision in carving wood to reach beautiful and detailed crafts.