/Timber in Indonesia for Home Furniture

Timber in Indonesia for Home Furniture

Smooth and Strong Nyatoh Wood
This type of wood that grows a lot in Riau Province is in great demand by furniture craftsmen. The texture is smooth like teak wood, the fiber and the surface is smooth, with charming red-brown color. Nyatoh wood is durable and resistant to termite attack.

Pine Wood, a Stunning Type of Soft Wood
Easy to obtain and affordable prices make pine wood in great demand for furniture products. Its bright color and stunning fine fibers make it widely used as cupboards, chairs, nightstands, cots, and even mirror frames.

Even it is susceptible to fungal attack, this type of wood is easy to make various furniture with various shapes because it is a type of soft wood that easy to cut. The wood must get the drying process before the craftsmen processed it. The wood must directly dried after the pine wood has felled. In addition, applying laminate on pine wood furniture will make it stronger and resistant to fungal attack.

Cedar Wood Contains Special Aromatic Resin
The cedar wood comes from the mountainous region of Mediterranean. It has good humidity and makes the wood that known as the Lebanon Cedar is not easy to rot. The resin in the wood is able to absorb moisture and odors, and even gives off a distinctive sweet and fresh aroma that termites and insects don’t like.

Teak Quality in Sungkai Wood, Premium Prices
Sungkai wood is widely used as a material for interior furniture, a substitute for teak at premium price. The bright color makes the room look brighter. The edges of the wood or sapwood are lighter than the center. The character of the wood fiber is perfect for beautifying minimalist furniture. The price is cheaper than mahogany and it easy to process, makes sungkai wood popular with many craftsmen.
Unfortunately, this wood material is not recommended for exterior use because it is not waterproof and not strong against pest attacks. Sungkai wood also cannot be smooth even though it has been sanded.

Ramin Wood, Furniture Material From Indonesian Forests
Ramin wood can only grow in lowland tropical forests or swamps with peat and swamp soils mix. The ramin tree or Gonystylus bancanus is a typical Indonesian tree that is cultivated in Kalimantan and Sumatra. However, this tree, which can reach 40-45 meters high and 60-12 meters diameter, has listed in the IUCN red list due to high of illegal logging. The inside of the wood is reddish with brown to gray bark. The texture is smooth and flat so it is easily shaped during the furniture processing.

Whatever type of wood you choose as furniture material, make sure its function, color, durability, and price are suit with its functional and aesthetic requirements.
